Wednesday 13 February 2013

Opening Titles - Editing Update

I am currently in the process of finalising my opening sequence. I am checking sound effects and footage so that it is too the best standard possible. I am using Final Cut Pro as my editing software.

The ending I have slightly changed as I felt it needed a sound bridge that would flow into the next scene, my idea was that to create this transition I would record the speech 'Miss Jones' or 'Miss Jone, Make-up 5 minutes' and then followed by the sound of a clapper board to create the film set atmosphere that Scarlett Jones is constantly surrounded by.

I also added in a brief flying shot of a Learjet landing at Bournemouth airport. This shot wasn't of the best quality but I really wanted to include it, so I added an effect called 'Water Pane' from Final Cut Pro. The effect gives the illusion of looking our of a window and the outside is raining. I thought this was really appropriate as it is symbolic of the devastation and sadness of Scarlett's supposedly happy life. It could be open to interpretation (how the audience choose to understand the titles) that the beginning clouds are her happy moments and the high points of the drugs she ends up taking and her descent from these clouds represents her coming down from the drugs.

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