Wednesday 13 February 2013

Opening Titles - Editing Update

I am currently in the process of finalising my opening sequence. I am checking sound effects and footage so that it is too the best standard possible. I am using Final Cut Pro as my editing software.

The ending I have slightly changed as I felt it needed a sound bridge that would flow into the next scene, my idea was that to create this transition I would record the speech 'Miss Jones' or 'Miss Jone, Make-up 5 minutes' and then followed by the sound of a clapper board to create the film set atmosphere that Scarlett Jones is constantly surrounded by.

I also added in a brief flying shot of a Learjet landing at Bournemouth airport. This shot wasn't of the best quality but I really wanted to include it, so I added an effect called 'Water Pane' from Final Cut Pro. The effect gives the illusion of looking our of a window and the outside is raining. I thought this was really appropriate as it is symbolic of the devastation and sadness of Scarlett's supposedly happy life. It could be open to interpretation (how the audience choose to understand the titles) that the beginning clouds are her happy moments and the high points of the drugs she ends up taking and her descent from these clouds represents her coming down from the drugs.

Monday 11 February 2013

Production: Contrasting Titles Experiments

Select 1080p for best viewing quality.

Whilst editing my final opening titles, I found that a red colour may work better than the original white colour of the title section 'The Make-up of'. This is because the red is so symbolic throughout my opening that is seems very appropriate i.e. the red carpet and the red lipstick. So I therefore experimented with a red title and asked some members of my target audience what they preferred.

I asked 5 girls and 1 boy which style of title they preferred.

Red - 4 Votes (all girls)

One girl said 'Scarlett Jones stands out more when in white, it contrasts the red'

White - 2 Votes ( 1 boy and 1 girl)

And another girl who voted for the white said 'The red contrasts too much, there is too much colour, I prefer the white'

From the audience research I decided to go with the red title as it fits perfectly with my story. I am now therefore experimenting with the shadow that is under the white title and making it work with the red colour as the shadow and the red is too strong so I need to find the perfect balance by experimenting with the position, intensity and colour of the shadow.

Production: Editing Notes

Thursday 7 February 2013

Rough Cut of 'The Make-up of Scarlett Jones' Opening Titles

This is a rough cut of my opening titles, I was very happy with how everything looked and with the shots I had managed to film. I just need to edit the length and timing of a few clips to enhance the opening sequence's smoothness and professional look. I aim to create an opening sequence that looks like it could have been created by a real film company.

Filming Update

I was unable to film on Tuesday 5th of February as the pilot Ian Bennett was unable to accompany us to the aircraft however filming was moved to 3:30pm on Wednesday 6th February.

I picked up Chloé Grahame at 3:15 and we had reached Goodwood airfield by 3:30pm. My dad, Ian Bennett and my mum, Sue Bennett accompanied me and helped with setting up lighting.

I took along all props, costume and make-up as well as a flood light and extension lead which we could connect to a power source within the hanger.

I was given the kind permission from Stuart Rawlinson from Flight Calibration to use the Cessna Crusader within the hanger at Goodwood.

We had till 5pm to finish all filming, as at 5pm the ground crew lock up the hanger doors. We were lucky enough, however, that one of the ground crew that came to check everything before locking the doors said we could have as much time as we need and to pull the doors shut when we had finished and he would come round to lock up after us.

We finished filming around 5:15 pm.

The whole filming schedule went very successfully, I didn't suffer many complications, however it took time to angle the lights correctly making sure that I didn't create a lot of shadows on the aircraft or on the face of the actress.

I did need to re-shoot a couple of shots as the first scheduled shots were Scarlett Jones coming out of the aircraft and after I filmed inside the aircraft and shot all the scenes where Scarlett Jones is applying make-up and I therefore realised in the shots I had already done Scarlett Jones wasn't wearing make-up and for continuity reasons this had to be reshot.

Monday 4 February 2013

Final Filming Production Week : Sunday 3rd February to Sunday 10th February

This week is when I intend to film all my selected shots. I was due to film with the Lear Jet and the actors Chloé Grahame and Ian Bennett at the Bournemouth aircraft hanger but the pilot (Ian Bennett) and the aircraft were stuck in India due to circumstances I could not control. I am now scheduled to film at Goodwood airfield with the Navajo on Tuesday 5th February from 1:30 -2:45. 

I need to obtain permission from the aircraft owner that we are able to use the Navajo for filming purposes. I will need to get permission in writing from Ian Bennett or Stuart Rawlinson.

Chloé Grahame the actress playing Sacrlett Jones will join myself and Ian Bennett and drive over to the airfield, it is a 5 - 10 minute drive from Chichester High School's Sixth Form.

There are male and female toilets available to us for toilet breaks, costume changes and make-up application.

Friday 1 February 2013

Pre Production: Possible Sound Effects

These are a selection of sound effects that could be used within my opening sequence to create a simple, realistic sequence. I looked on a variety of different free sound effect websites to get the best possible sound effects.