Monday 3 December 2012

Film Research: Shrek Opening Titles

Shrek is a 'Dreamworks Pictures' animation picture so all the titles are animated and cartoon like. This makes the titles immediately more interesting and it also allows the production team to do whatever they like as they can draw the concept art and make it as detailed as possible. For example it would be hard to create a mud splatter that says 'Mike Myers'; it isn't possible when filming live action. The advantage to animation and cartoons is that you can control everything about the production.

The genre of the film is clear by the characters being slightly humorous and cartoon style.The Family Film genre is clear from the opening shot as the image shows a fairy tale book opening and someone telling a story about a princess.

 As the main character is an Ogre there is an element of comedy with the character e.g when shrek cracks the mirror when he smiles in it, and him farting and killing a fish.

Film Research: Carry On Doctor - Title Opening Sequence

This opening sequence is from 'Carry On Doctor' a film produced in 1967. The opening titles were all very similar and stuck to the traditional layout of titles. The text fades into each page and only some of the text fades onto the screen. This is a simple way of presenting titles but was also because at the time (1967) the technology wasn't available to give following, artistic titles. There was one pattern for the older films and most productions stuck to this pattern.

The genre is obvious by the frequent use of cartoon images which all depict a humorous scene, so the audience know it is a comedy. Also comedy is shown by the use of alternate titles for the film. After the main title of 'Carry On Doctor' is shown a selection of new comedic titles are shown: 'Nurse Carries On Again', 'Death of a Daffodil' and 'Life is a Four-Letter Word', this is the style repeated in every Carry On movie opening sequence.

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Identifying target audience and research

I am now moving on to my main Film task for my AS Level, which is an opening film sequence. I have to include text (director names, actors, production companies etc), music and the scene can be no longer than 2 minutes.

I am going to start by researching the target audiences and film certifications as well as production companies that I believe could produce my film as well as some companies that wouldn't be appropriate for my film.

Thursday 8 November 2012

Film Preliminary - Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban Deconstruction: Match-On-Action

This scene was interesting to look at because it highlighted how quickly the shot can change and how if edited correctly then the scene can look flawless and very smooth. It was also interesting to look at the focus of the image and how the Director can look at a shot and get as many emotions into it. I personally really liked the last shot as it follows Hermione's arm and focuses on her expressions but still has some focus on Harry and Ron in the background.

Film Preliminary - Back to The Future Deconstruction: Shot, Reaction, Shot

By studying this sequence of shots from 'Back To The Future', I learnt how the size/height of a character effects the dynamic on the screen and also adds a comedic aspect. In this scene Biff appears to gain height and this makes Marty look even smaller, Martys eyes just appear over Biff's shoulder, this is a comedic affect that I feel I could use within one of my projects. The lighting throughout gives the scene a naturalistic effect which is perfect for this scene, but I would like to experiment with the lighting to make it more interesting. I also feel I could of added a comedic sound effect when Biff increases in height rather than it just being silent, to enhance this part of the scene.

Film Preliminary - The Wizard Of Oz - Deconstruction: Match-On-Action

In this Deconstruction I understood the importance of colour within a scene and how significant it can be, as the last shot when Dorothy opens the door to reveal 'Oz' is so beautiful and contrasting within this scene that it sticks in the audiences head and is the most poignant shot within the film. Also I am beginning to understand the importance of continuity within a scene and how this needs to be kept the same in order for the scene to look believable, smooth, flowing and professional.

Media Studies OCR AS Level - Print Preliminary Evaluation

This is my Print Preliminary Evaluation.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Final AS Preliminary Print Task - School Magazine Front Cover

This is my final version of my AS Preliminary Print Task. I added another box with featured information which includes white writing on a blue background which makes the text stand out and enhance the magazine.

Different Image Experiment for the School Magazine

I experimented with another picture, but I felt this image was too busy as this image has another person in the background, which takes the focus away from the primary model.

Second Experiment of the School Magazine Front Cover

I was closer to my goal with this version. My slogan was bolder and stood out really clearly against the background, but my introduction article was too long and needed to be punchy and catch the readers eye, which in this version doesn't happen.

First Experiment of the School Magazine Front Cover

This was my first design for my School Magazine Front Page. I needed to add a main article to the page so that the image was enhanced and understood. I also needed a factor that caught the audiences eye and made them want to read inside so therefore I needed another small article featuring titles of the articles inside the magazine.
I aslo was not happy with the slogan format at the bottom of the page, it needed to be bolder, and stand out from the page.

Mast Head and Layout - Pre Production for School Magazine

Different Logo Edits - School Magazine Pre Production

Colour Scheme-Pre Production for School Magazine

Chichester High School for Girls - The Logo featured on my magazine

Saturday 29 September 2012

School Magazine Front Cover - Photo Shoot

I would be unable to use this shot as the photo has movement in it creating a blurred effect.

Not all models are looking at the camera as well as the picture being slightly blurry. I would not use this image as my front cover